New Year's Eve


The pile of packages in the corner has been left unopened for a long time
The quilt I wanted to replace has not been bought yet

The murder mystery games are not as lively as before
Weekday players are not as immersed as before
The game proceeds as usual countless times
New stories, new scripts, new stores
But in my mind, only past scenes come to mind

Open-source projects remain stagnant as usual
Nothing specifically needs to be done during the Spring Festival
I always want to avoid wasting time and life
But self-improvement has become a part of daily life

Playing games that I’m not interested in to kill time
But I worry if time can really be used for leisure
However, if I don’t consume time, what else can I do

Some people start families at a young age
Some are still single even at an older age
At the same age, some are forced to grow up
At the same age, some don’t want to take responsibility

The vehicles on the street are not as bustling as before
On New Year’s Eve, I especially don’t want to go out
I want to experience the troubles alone
Mainly because there’s nothing to do outside

The roommate reminds me to lock the doors and windows
But the kindness from hometown catches me off guard
Under the prosperity and beauty of this great era
How many struggling cattle and horses are concealed

The scenery outside the window has been seen many times
The wind and clouds change
Constant and unchanging

Maybe my writing skills have declined
Recently, there have indeed been many things without a clue
Too many things are unclear about the outcome
But at least I will always be here